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Selasa, 28 Januari 2014 - 14:38:46 WIB
FB kini Bisa Bikin Game Sendiri
Diposting oleh : Administrator
Kategori: Tehnologi - Dibaca: 23634 kali

Berita ini mengenai Fb- San Francisco -(Berita SuaraMedia) - Facebook sepertinya
saat ini sudah bisa memproduksi game sendiri. Seperti apa? Seperti dikutip dari
IndiaTimes, Facebook Inc kini bisa mengembangkan game di platform-nya sendiri,
sebagai bagian dari kesepakatan perjanjian yang mereka lakukan dengan Zynga
Inc. Di kesepakatan barunya itu Zynga dapat memilih tidak menggunakan
mekanisme. Pembayaran dari Facebook untuk mengumpulkan revenue atau display
dari iklan-iklan Facebook. Kedua perusahaan di atas yang masing-masing telah
go-public tersebut cukup sukses dengan game-game sosial yang ditaruh di
Facebook. Zynga dikabarkan menyumbang 15%

» Berita Terkait

    1013 Komentar :

    Obat herbal wasir
    21 Maret 2014 - 18:58:24 WIB artikel yang menarik dan bermanfaat
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    Obat Tradisional Biang Keringat
    15 April 2014 - 14:28:30 WIB baca terus artikel menarik nya !!

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    30 April 2014 - 06:59:14 WIB informasinya bagus banget
    Obat Herbal Ambeien
    02 Mei 2014 - 16:07:44 WIB terimakasih banyaka atas artikelnya
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    18 Mei 2014 - 13:33:17 WIB terimakasih infonya gan !
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    19 Mei 2014 - 15:10:52 WIB terimakasih infonya gan !
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    Obat Diabetes Alami
    22 Mei 2014 - 15:31:47 WIB terima kasih untuk informasinya.
    sangat menarik. gan
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    27 Mei 2014 - 08:23:37 WIB selamat pagi ? http://goo.gl/9aVXaR
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    28 Mei 2014 - 06:37:16 WIB Thank you for this useful article. Waiting for your next post, i know it will be more exciting, you’re awesome.

    Lowongan Kerja Terbaru
    09 Juni 2014 - 14:03:32 WIB Terima kasih atas informasinya sangat bermanfaaat sekali bagi saya
    Cara Mengobati Penyakit Ayan
    10 Juni 2014 - 08:50:56 WIB Wow informasinya bermanfaat sekali gan, di tunggu info lainnya sukses selalu..

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    Obat ambeien
    03 Juli 2014 - 14:58:00 WIB kunjungan siang sob, ikut menyimak
    Obat asam lambung
    03 Juli 2014 - 14:59:46 WIB artikel menarik nih
    obat asam lambung ibu hamil
    11 Juli 2014 - 07:42:18 WIB saya memaklumi apa yang anda tulis
    Obat herbal hepatitis B
    12 Juli 2014 - 14:07:17 WIB
    Terima kasih sudah berbagi informasi menarik dan bermanfaatnya
    Tetap semangat untuk share info yang lainnya!!!!
    cara melangsingkan tubuh secara efektif
    23 Juli 2014 - 08:31:31 WIB selamat pagi gan , semangat terus demi masadepan

    Obat Khusus penyakit Ginjal
    23 Juli 2014 - 08:43:38 WIB jika semua itu jalanku, semuanya aku terima karena itu kehendakmu , "curhatan hati" http://goo.gl/xcTfJw
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    23 Juli 2014 - 09:07:38 WIB sehat itu mahal ternyata, silahkan lihat info pengobatan nya disini , klik : http://goo.gl/520wem
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    23 Juli 2014 - 09:23:07 WIB makasih gan informasinya :klik ya : http://goo.gl/uY76ry
    Obat Pembersih Nikotin Rokok Dalam Tubuh
    23 Juli 2014 - 09:38:39 WIB suatu saat nanti kamu akan menikmati nya, sama seperti orang lain disekitarmu, karena hidup ini berpasang pasangan.: http://tinyurl.com/kd9678j
    obat sperma encer yang ampuh
    23 Juli 2014 - 10:53:02 WIB makasih gan informasinya
    28 Juli 2014 - 11:41:45 WIB Informasi yang sangat berkualitas karena mampu memberikan info yang bermanfaat terima kasih.

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    cara melangsingkan tubuh secara efektif
    04 Agustus 2014 - 08:36:26 WIB selamat datang di blog kesehatan yang unggulan di kota tasikmalaya, menyediakan obat obatan herbal alami yang tradisional, serta ampuh , silahkan klik disini : http://goo.gl/b6WXbt
    cara melangsingkan perut setelah melahirkan
    04 Agustus 2014 - 08:49:31 WIB thank you verymuch cuh :/ http://goo.gl/YRyIqg
    Obat Khusus penyakit Ginjal
    04 Agustus 2014 - 09:08:10 WIB makasih gan infonya
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    04 Agustus 2014 - 09:40:52 WIB ingin langsing ,,,,, silhkan klik link disini
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    cara mengatasi disfungsi ereksi
    04 Agustus 2014 - 09:55:58 WIB disini informasi tentang kesehatan dan pengobatan, silahkan tinggal lihat , tinggal di klik : http://goo.gl/UcuLeX
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    04 Agustus 2014 - 10:19:19 WIB saya cinta indonesia, anda ?

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    04 Agustus 2014 - 10:38:31 WIB ih beritanya asik banget, jadi betambah aja pengetahuan gw, makasih gan
    Obat Penambah Daya Tahan Tubuh
    07 Agustus 2014 - 10:55:22 WIB makasih gan infonya , nih poistingan baru silahkna di lihat
    Obat Penyakit Bronkitis
    07 Agustus 2014 - 11:05:56 WIB ini dia penyakit untk bronkitis , atau penyakit paru lain nya . http://goo.gl/fMFYhx
    Obat Untuk Kencing Manis
    07 Agustus 2014 - 11:15:32 WIB siang gan , makasih nih informasinya
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    07 Agustus 2014 - 11:24:03 WIB kunjungan siang gan , beraktifitas lah dengan semangat . http://goo.gl/ZXVNFj
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    07 Agustus 2014 - 11:35:41 WIB mana nih berita terbarunya , publukasikan lagi dong gan , http://goo.gl/CxCk0I
    Obat Herbal Dari Kulit Manggis
    07 Agustus 2014 - 11:46:51 WIB makasih banayak atas informasi yang abagius ini , saya jadi tau informasi di luar kota saya . http://goo.gl/u7t7vb
    Obat Infeksi Rahim Tradisional
    07 Agustus 2014 - 11:56:31 WIB sebentar lagi adzan dzuhur, selamat menunaikan ibadah solat dzuhur bagi kaum muslimin dan musimat , http://goo.gl/BxYkAT
    obat vitalitas pria yang alami
    07 Agustus 2014 - 12:58:50 WIB ingat kan ku semua wahai sahabat,
    obat disfungsi ereksi herbal
    07 Agustus 2014 - 13:10:03 WIB wissss gan beritanya bagus , lumayan menambah pengetahuan dan informasi di luar kota tempat saya tinggal , jadi sekarang saya tahu , makasih gan
    Obat Tipes Herbal Alami
    07 Agustus 2014 - 13:22:01 WIB nuhun agan infona, bagus pisan euy ,
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    07 Agustus 2014 - 13:37:55 WIB makasih gan informasinya , bagus pisan ari si agan , kunjungi balik ya gan : http://goo.gl/45r6SF
    obat liver yang alami
    07 Agustus 2014 - 13:48:55 WIB hiidup itu kadang di atas kadang di bawah , jadi motifasinya jika ingin berada di atas maka bekerja keraslah, dan teguh lah dengan keyakinan anda,

    Cara Mengobati Tuberkulosis Pada Anak
    07 Agustus 2014 - 13:58:42 WIB makasih infonya, saya setiap hari berkunjung kesini, karena disini beritanya bagus bagus.
    Cara Mengobati Mata Katarak
    07 Agustus 2014 - 14:11:39 WIB siang agan , biasa nih gan kunjungan rutin , mana nih gan berita barunya ,
    Obat Herbal Radang Paru Paru
    07 Agustus 2014 - 14:24:07 WIB saya hadir selalu di blog agan , karena berita nya sangat bagus, makasih gan
    cara menurunkan berat badan
    07 Agustus 2014 - 14:36:55 WIB bagus bagus bagus , bagus baget beritanya gan,

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    07 Agustus 2014 - 14:47:57 WIB sorenya lumayan panas ya gan bikin kerja jadi berkeringat kaya gini , http://goo.gl/EPNNQY
    Obat Penyakit Autoimun Yang Alami
    07 Agustus 2014 - 15:01:11 WIB nikmatin hidup ini dengan ketabahan , sesungguhnya kehidupan yang abadi hanya di akhirat nanti, http://goo.gl/X5yIbB
    cara mengecilkan perut buncit
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    effects of weight loss supplements. Aloe Vera- Aloe gel contains very large sugar molecules
    called mucopolysaccharides. It is often used in combination with other tests like an erythropoietin test.
    29 April 2015 - 01:05:40 WIB Fresh - Direct, which often delivers fresh meals in the New York City area.

    Aloe Vera- Aloe gel contains very large sugar molecules called mucopolysaccharides.

    Other natural ingredients in a concoction such as this include:
    29 April 2015 - 03:09:15 WIB Fresh - Direct, which often delivers fresh meals in the New York City area.

    The enterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal
    (GI) tract secret 400 times as much melatonin as the
    pineal gland- so it is found to have an important role in GI
    functioning. In a "Aloe Yogurt "Products, the
    ingredients in just marked" aloe berry "used unspecified type and content of aloe vera,
    and no prompt some people may eat aloe vera allergy or not.
    29 April 2015 - 09:39:56 WIB The theory behind detox diets is that our bodies can become overloaded with toxins that come from foods and substances such as caffeine nicotine and alcohol.
    Other herbs that may benefit those with diverticulitis include cayenne, chamomile, fennel,
    goldenseal, meadowsweet, papaya, red clover, yarrow extract or tea.
    Thus, there are lots and loads of medicinal uses and benefits of aloe vera and above mentioned are just few of them.
    29 April 2015 - 09:42:49 WIB Erectile dysfunction (inability to have or sustain an erection).
    Food and Drug Administration and Herbalife subsequently
    stopped using ephedrine in its products in the face of rising insurance
    premiums. This helps moisturize the skin and keeps it from being dry and flaky due to
    the tanning process.
    29 April 2015 - 10:25:17 WIB Dog shampoos with natural ingredients can be used at home when washing the dog by hand, or at professional grooming
    salons. The enterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract secret 400 times as much melatonin as the pineal gland- so it is found to have an important role in GI functioning.
    The aloe vera plant has healing powers and is regarded as a miracle plant.
    29 April 2015 - 10:30:53 WIB Then put them in the blender and blend until you get a smooth
    shake. If anybody has digestive problem may take and use it, but remember be careful it is not
    perfect for all and everybody should be careful to use it.

    Recently, the Ministry of Health and other six (Bureau)
    jointly issued a notice, said the only aloe vera
    gel product can be used for food production, processing, and after September 1 this year,
    production and marketing with Kula Cable aloe gel food must be marked "This product is aloe, pregnant women and infants and young children with caution," the
    words, and list of ingredients in the label, "Aloe vera gel.
    29 April 2015 - 10:32:15 WIB Fresh - Direct, which often delivers fresh meals in the New York City area.
    If anybody has digestive problem may take and
    use it, but remember be careful it is not perfect for all and everybody should be careful to use it.

    The aloe vera plant has healing powers and is regarded
    as a miracle plant.
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    There are expensive medications and skin preparations that are available to treat acne outbreaks.
    Whichever the case, maybe I can either add to your knowledge or else give you some new food for
    29 April 2015 - 11:40:29 WIB Evening primrose contains Tryptophan which aids in weight loss.

    Food and Drug Administration and Herbalife subsequently stopped using ephedrine
    in its products in the face of rising insurance premiums.
    It is often used in combination with other tests
    like an erythropoietin test.
    29 April 2015 - 12:56:02 WIB You need to opt for the competent and qualitative tampon which will
    have to be dipped into yogurt. Other herbs that may benefit those with diverticulitis include cayenne, chamomile, fennel,
    goldenseal, meadowsweet, papaya, red clover, yarrow
    extract or tea. Other natural ingredients in a concoction such as this include:.
    29 April 2015 - 13:02:41 WIB Herbalife's product offering includes weight-management products
    such as Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, a meal-replacement shake and one of the first products introduced by
    the company. Aloe Vera- Aloe gel contains very large sugar molecules called mucopolysaccharides.
    Thus, there are lots and loads of medicinal uses and benefits of aloe vera
    and above mentioned are just few of them.
    29 April 2015 - 13:48:00 WIB You need to opt for the competent and qualitative tampon which will have
    to be dipped into yogurt. Research is ongoing as to how potato juicing also helps in weight loss management.
    Other natural ingredients in a concoction such as this
    29 April 2015 - 13:49:09 WIB Evening primrose contains Tryptophan which aids in weight loss.
    Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.
    Thus, there are lots and loads of medicinal uses and benefits of aloe vera and above mentioned are just few of them.
    29 April 2015 - 13:58:42 WIB Then put them in the blender and blend until you get a
    smooth shake. Always seek the insights of a
    qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

    This helps moisturize the skin and keeps it from being dry and flaky due to
    the tanning process.
    29 April 2015 - 14:47:15 WIB A healthy low calorie diet complemented with exercise has
    to be followed religiously, if you want to see
    the effects of weight loss supplements. Research is ongoing
    as to how potato juicing also helps in weight loss management.
    Whichever the case, maybe I can either add to your
    knowledge or else give you some new food for thought.
    29 April 2015 - 14:58:34 WIB A healthy low calorie diet complemented with exercise has to be followed religiously, if you want to see the effects of weight loss supplements.
    Other herbs that may benefit those with diverticulitis include cayenne,
    chamomile, fennel, goldenseal, meadowsweet, papaya, red clover, yarrow extract or tea.
    Whichever the case, maybe I can either add to your knowledge or else give you
    some new food for thought.
    29 April 2015 - 16:35:18 WIB Then put them in the blender and blend until
    you get a smooth shake. Drinking this health supplement improves the overall health and wellbeing
    of person. This helps moisturize the skin and keeps it from
    being dry and flaky due to the tanning process.
    29 April 2015 - 16:54:39 WIB Herbalife's product offering includes weight-management products such as
    Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, a meal-replacement shake
    and one of the first products introduced by the company.
    Drinking this health supplement improves the overall health and wellbeing of person. Recently, the Ministry of Health and other six (Bureau) jointly issued a notice, said the only aloe
    vera gel product can be used for food production, processing, and after September 1 this year, production and marketing with Kula Cable
    aloe gel food must be marked "This product is aloe, pregnant women and infants and young children with caution," the words,
    and list of ingredients in the label, "Aloe vera gel.
    29 April 2015 - 16:55:11 WIB Then put them in the blender and blend until you get a smooth shake.
    Aloe Vera- Aloe gel contains very large sugar molecules called mucopolysaccharides.
    The aloe vera plant has healing powers and is regarded as a miracle plant.
    29 April 2015 - 16:59:42 WIB Dog shampoos with natural ingredients can be used at home when washing the dog by hand, or at
    professional grooming salons. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

    It is often used in combination with other tests like
    an erythropoietin test.
    29 April 2015 - 17:12:44 WIB You need to opt for the competent and qualitative tampon which will have to be dipped into yogurt.
    Food and Drug Administration and Herbalife subsequently stopped using ephedrine in its products in the face of rising insurance premiums.
    Recently, the Ministry of Health and other six (Bureau)
    jointly issued a notice, said the only aloe
    vera gel product can be used for food production, processing,
    and after September 1 this year, production and marketing with Kula Cable aloe gel
    food must be marked "This product is aloe, pregnant women and infants and young children with caution," the words, and
    list of ingredients in the label, "Aloe vera gel.
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    29 April 2015 - 18:02:42 WIB The theory behind detox diets is that our bodies can become overloaded with toxins that come from foods and substances such as caffeine nicotine and alcohol.
    Aloe Vera- Aloe gel contains very large sugar molecules called mucopolysaccharides.

    Recently, the Ministry of Health and other six (Bureau)
    jointly issued a notice, said the only aloe vera gel product can be used for food production, processing, and after September 1 this
    year, production and marketing with Kula Cable aloe gel food must
    be marked "This product is aloe, pregnant women and infants and young children with caution," the words,
    and list of ingredients in the label, "Aloe vera gel.
    29 April 2015 - 18:18:42 WIB Fresh - Direct, which often delivers fresh meals in the New York City area.
    Other herbs that may benefit those with diverticulitis include cayenne,
    chamomile, fennel, goldenseal, meadowsweet, papaya, red clover, yarrow extract or tea.
    In a "Aloe Yogurt "Products, the ingredients in just marked" aloe berry "used unspecified type
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    The enterochromaffin cells of the gastrointestinal
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